Play is essential. It is also often overlooked and underserved in today’s world.
It is just as important for adults but we have been taught to give up childish ways as we become adults, there is a recent realisation of how wrong this is.
Play—physical, constructive, imaginative, role-play, and games with rules—
All of which help us develop physically, socially and emotionally and cognitively.
• . Imaginative play lays the foundations for creativity, allowing kids to express feelings, communicate, and experiment with reality.
• . Constructive play builds reasoning, spatial awareness, dexterity and problem-solving
• . Physical active play can build gross motor skills, social and collaboration skills, and mental as well as physical strength.
• . Role play helps develop emotional regulation and critical relationship skills, including empathy.
• . Games with rules help develop cooperation, patience, understanding rules, mastery, social skills and negotiation, being a gracious winner and more importantly learning to lose, get up and try again.
“Play is a primary, indeed a primal, way that we learn to understand and experience the world around us,” writes educator and creativity guru Ken Robinson.
“The simple act of free, self-initiated play helps unlock a child’s innate creativity, imagination, interests and talents,” Robinson also writes in a recent study. “It helps children to uncover who they are, and imparts invaluable skills they will need to possess in the uncertain future they will face tomorrow.”